“...Have you encountered others like me, in the mines? I'm sorry if they were hostile towards you. You see, we've learned to fear humans... there have been too many... unpleasant encounters.”
— Krobus
Krobus is the only friendly monster players will encounter, however he still refers to other hostile monsters as his friends. He is a shadow person who lives in the Sewers. He sells a variety of rare goods. He is also available as a roommate.
Krobus can always be found in the Sewers once the Player obtains the Rusty Key.
Krobus' Shop is open all hours every day, even festival days.
Krobus is almost never seen outside interacting with other villagers. He dislikes dwarves, stating that a 1,000 year war between the dwarves and his people recently ended. He believes if the dwarves knew where he was, they'd send an assassin.
The Wizard is aware of his presence and intervenes to prevent conflicts.
You can give Krobus up to two gifts per week (plus one on
birthday), which will raise or lower
friendship with you. Gifts on
birthday ( 1 Winter) will have 8× effect and show a unique dialogue.
For loved, liked, or neutral gifts, Krobus responds
“Oh, a gift to remember the day that I hatched! Thank you!”
For disliked or hated gifts, Krobus responds
“Oh... is this what you call a 'birthday present'? I don't understand humans...”
“This is an amazing gift. For my people it is a great honor to receive something like this.”
Monster Compendium
“Hey, look! All my friends are in here! Wait a minute, is that me?”
Monster Musk
“A gift of lovely perfume? Oh, (players name)... I'm blushing, but you probably can't notice...”
Stardrop Tea
“Is that Stardrop Tea? Thank you! One drop makes my room smell good for the whole day.”
Void Mayonnaise
“This smells delicious! I'll eat half, and use the other half to moisturize my body!”
Apple Slices Cappuccino Mousse Cake Chocolate Popcorn Cotton Candy Ice Cream Sandwich Jawbreaker Joja Cola JojaCorn Rock Candy Star Cookie Stardrop Sorbet
Everything else
If the player is not married, Krobus will move into the farmhouse three days after accepting a void ghost pendant. Like the marriage candidates, he will add his own room to the right of the bedroom. He will not set up an area in the space behind the farmhouse.
Krobus leaves the Farmhouse only on rainy days, when he will stand on the front porch. At 13 hearts, he will give the player a Stardrop, like a spouse, and may change Wallpaper or Flooring or add Furniture like a spouse.
Although the player's relationship with Krobus is platonic, the game's roommate mechanics are almost identical to the marriage mechanics, with the following exceptions:
Kissing is replaced with hugging.
Instead of a heart emoji appearing when kissing, a smile emoji appears when hugging.
No ceremony takes place.
Krobus will never get jealous if the player gives a gift to a marriage candidate.
Instead of divorce, Krobus can be evicted for free. However, the player still needs to do this through the book in the Mayor's Manor. After Krobus moves out, he is silent towards the player and will refuse gifts.
As with an ex-spouse, the Dark Shrine of Memory can be used to erase Krobus' memories of the player.
You cannot have or adopt children with Krobus. However, he helps with raising your existing children from previous marriages.
Krobus does not do chores like a spouse would.
Krobus does not sleep, but he will stand in the center of his room at 10:00 P.M., He can still be interacted with, however, unlike spouses.
After Krobus moves into the Farmhouse, he is replaced in the Sewers by a chest, which sells his usual items.
Player, I'm not sure how the human message system works, so I asked Wizard to help me write this letter.
I hope you are doing okay.
I wanted to share this with you... it's notes on how my people build a certain item.
Fourteen Hearts
Enter the Beach between 8pm and 1am on a non-rainy day.
Krobus sits on the docks at the Beach watching Moonlight Jellies swim, when a sea monster appears. The sea monster raises its tentacles, and Krobus hops on for a ride. A heart dialogue bubble appears over Krobus' head, indicating he enjoyed the ride.
First Meeting
“A human visitor? This is most unusual...
I'm Krobus, merchant of rare and exotic goods.”
“ Please, don't be alarmed. I am different than the others. I've spent a lot of time observing humans. I know you like to shop. Care to see my wares?”
“...Have you encountered others like me, in the mines? I'm sorry if they were hostile towards you. You see, we've learned to fear humans... there have been too many... unpleasant encounters. You haven't... slain any of my friends, have you?”
“I find things here and I sell them. Care to buy anything?”
“Please don't tell anyone about me. Humans tend to destroy things they can't understand.”
“I am too sensitive to sunlight to go out on most days. The conditions in here are perfect. Care to buy anything?”
“Please, don't be alarmed. I am different than the others. I've spent a lot of time observing humans. I know you like to shop. Care to see my wares?”
“Back again? I suppose it does fit into my theory of human behavior.”
“On Fridays I stay silent as a sign of devotion to Yoba.”
“...Sorry, I'm still a little wary of humans. My shop is still open to you, however.”
“You're not like the other humans, are you?”
Rainy day
“Ah, the sewers are flowing quickly today. It'll get nice and humid in here... just how I like it.”
8+ Hearts
“You've opened my eyes to the world of humans. I appreciate that.”
“A 1000 year war between my people and the dwarves recently ended. There's still a lot of resentment on both sides.”
15th of the season, year 1 only
“Please keep my location a secret. If the dwarves knew of me, they'd surely send an assassin.”
After receiving the Void Ghost Pendant
“[Player]... I'm afraid we'll have to keep this a secret... Neither my people nor yours would accept us living together.”
“You know I'll be a very strange person to live with, right? I won't be able to leave the house...”
Indoor Days
“If I could come help you, I would... but I'll do my best to keep the house in order.”
“I'm happy here, in the house. I like to spend all my time in a good spot... I don't need to "get out" like humans do. But I understand that you need to! Please don't feel like you have to stay here with me.”
“I'm considering spending my day all balled up and wedged in the corner... What? You mean you don't do that?”
“On Fridays, I like to stay quiet out of respect for Yoba. I hope you don't mind.”
“I wish I could help you on the farm, but I can't go out in the sun...”
Giving gift
“I tried my best to make human food... You can eat it later, don't worry about it...”
In his side room
“We're so physically different that it's a challenge to live together, isn't it?
I hope the humidity here isn't bothersome to you. We both have to compromise in order to live together!”
Outdoor Days
“I'll stay out here for just a bit, but we've got to be careful... if anyone approaches I'll need to hide!”
“It's rare that I can step outside!”
“What a beautiful day!”
“Wide open spaces make me nervous...”
“Please go about your day, I'll just stay here and guard the house.”
“I'll wait here for a bit, and see if any bugs come my way. I haven't had breakfast yet!”
“On a day like this, I can enjoy the outdoors with you. This is really nice! Just let me know if you see anyone coming, so I can hide.”
Indoor Nights
“I cleaned all the bugs out of the house today... Sorry, I didn't save you any! *smack*”
“You feel solid... sometimes I wish I had bones, too...”
“Sometimes I wonder if humans and shadow people could really ever co-exist... It's a lovely idea, but is it realistic? I hope so...”
“Sometimes I pause and think of all that I've learned about humans from you... I wish all my fellow shadow people could know this feeling.”
“I want to be a good housemate for you, but I never know if I'm doing well... *groan* I have a hard time understanding human expression. B... but... you're happy living with me? Okay!”
“Hi, [Player]. Welcome home. You look like you've been working hard out there!”
Rainy Days
“Do you like rainy days as much as I do, [Player]?”
“We're different in so many ways... but that's alright.”
“I wonder if the wizard knows about... this? I hope he can keep a secret.”
“As much as I try to be civilized, I have the urge to be mischievous sometimes... They say it's a condition of my people.”
“Ah, It's more humid today with the rain... I feel a lot more comfortable.”
Giving gift
“Good morning, [Player]. I went out early and found this for you. I hope it's not too strange.”
Rainy Nights
“On nights like this, those who gaze out windows sometimes see shadowy figures. To think... it might've been me.”
“If the other shadow people knew about our living arrangement, they would... 'punish' me. Most of them despise humans, you know.”
“You're sopping wet, and cold! Isn't that dangerous to your species?”
“I already had dinner, but it wasn't something you'd be able to eat... sorry.”
“Ever since I left my people, I've been searching for a new home... now I belong somewhere. That means everything to me.”
“It's said that my people came here long ago, when a great catastrophe allowed spirits from the void to cross into the physical plane.”
“The sound of the rain reminds me of the sewers... it's comforting. The sewers were my refuge... I felt safe there. But don't worry... I feel the same way about my new home, too.”
High Hearts
“I feel a sensation in my body... is this... 'platonic love'? ... Oh, wait... I'm just shedding my skin.”
“I've learned to overcome my bias against humans... but Dwarves still disgust me.”
“You started nibbling on me during the night, and mumbling about 'black lick or ish'... what did you mean by that?”
“We're making progress, and I feel really hopeful.”
“I was just admiring this lovely house... what a wonderful place.”
Neutral Hearts
“I won't ever grow old, but you will. Sometimes it makes me sad... but that's okay.”
“Do you think your Grandpa would approve of a monster living in his house?”
“Do you think we could get in trouble for living together?”
“It's so bright in here... I might close my eyes for a few hours.”
“I can't go outside, I can only eat certain food, I need the temperature a certain way... I hope it's not too much of a bother to live with me, [Player].”
“Welwick says I'm cursed today.”
“I'll tell you a secret... I don't actually sleep, I just lay there with my eyes closed...”
“You're a strange one, to want to live with a creature like me.”
“I'm going to clean the house all day! This is fun.”
“I wonder if we'll live here our entire lives? Moving would probably be too dangerous for me.”
Low Hearts
“*sigh*... Maybe I should've stayed with my own kind.”
“...Do you still like me?”
“Are you still happy, living with me?”
“I think you'd be happier living with another human...”
“I've detected a change in your behavior... what does it mean? *groan*”
“You only have one short life to live... are you certain you want to spend it with a hideous creature like me?”
“Maybe a relationship like this is destined to fail...”
“You seem unhappy lately...”
“I miss the sewers.”
Living with one child
“I'm not sure how, but Yoba has blessed this house with a 'child'...”
Living with two children
“Don't worry... I already made <child's name> and [child] a void egg omelet.”
“I worry about the future of the children... But I trust that Yoba has a plan for them.”
“This house has been blessed with two children, now... Does that mean Yoba approves of our unconventional living arrangement?”
“It's 'spring' now, isn't it? I can smell the peppery aroma of wild horseradish.”
Spring 1
“What's your plan for the new year, [Player]?”
Day before the Flower Dance
“You should go to the flower dance tomorrow! Don't worry about me.”
“You call this time of year 'summer', right? The warmth and humidity is nice, but I wish it wasn't so sunny.”
Summer 1
“I get sunburnt very easily, so I need to be careful this time of year.”
Summer 8
“Mmm... what's that lovely smell? You must've been sweating all night...”
Summer 15
“It's summer... that means the house is full of flies. Don't worry, I'll take care of them. It's good protein!”
Green Rain
“The flow of water has been unusually strong today... what's going on up there?”
“It's been feeling a bit cooler lately, with a musty smell. You call this time of year 'fall', correct?”
Fall 8
“I don't feel like doing anything today.”
Day before the Fair
“Have you figured out what you're going to use for your grange display tomorrow?”
Fall 24
“If I showed up to the Spirit's Eve festival they'd put me in a cage...”
“The darkness this time of year is very soothing. If only it were warmer!”
Winter 28
“Thanks for letting me stay here, [Player]. I'm looking forward to another great year!”
After Eviction
After defeat in the Mines
“You were gone so long I started to get worried about you! I started crying when I saw your limp body...”
Dark Talisman: After the Wizard requests his Magic Ink, the player must talk to Krobus, who will open the force field blocking the passage to the Mutant Bug Lair, where the talisman can be found.
"A Winter Mystery": Sent by mail the day after triggering a cutscene by entering the Bus Stop from the Farm during Winter between 6am and 4pm. To complete the quest, interact with a bush to the left of the Community Center in the north of Pelican Town. A cutscene ensues, during which a "Shadow Guy" (who may or may not be Krobus) gives the player a Magnifying Glass. This allows the player to collect Secret Notes.
Krobus states that his name means "bridge-crosser" in his language.
Krobus states that he remains silent on Fridays out of respect for Yoba. His normal Friday dialogue is simply "..." Krobus will speak on Fridays under certain circumstances.
Rainy days
First meeting
Attempting to give him a gift after he has been evicted as a roommate
Attempting to give Krobus a Movie Ticket on Friday results in a dialogue saying "Krobus looks puzzled..." Krobus will not attend movies on Fridays.
Krobus' Tuesday dialogue changed from "I am too sensitive to sunlight to go out during the day." to "I am too sensitive to sunlight to go out on most days." with v1.3. This change is most likely due to the addition of the "A Winter Mystery" Quest, in which a "Shadow Guy" is seen outdoors during Winter.
Krobus' people are said to have crossed into the physical plane after "a great catastrophe."
Despite being considered a roommate, if there are monsters inside the house, such as slimes, he will still say, "Um... Honey? Why are there monsters in the house?"
Krobus is the only NPC who dislikes Stardrop Sorbet as a Movie Theater snack. However, he still loves Stardrop Tea.
His dialogue when gifted Stardrop Tea implies he likes its scent rather than taste: "Is that Stardrop Tea? Thank you! One drop makes my room smell good for the whole day."
Krobus says that he normally does not sleep. However, he will fall asleep while watching any movie except Mysterium.
While watching Mysterium, Krobus has negative dialogue about the depiction of shadow people within the movie. However, he still likes the movie overall and gains friendship from watching it.
When drinking Void Mayonnaise in front of Krobus, he will respond by saying "Yummie!"
If multiple players open Krobus' shop in Multiplayer simultaneously, the limited quantity of items can be bypassed (multiplied by number of players). As an example, this allows two players on Friday to purchase two Iridium Sprinklers instead of one, if neither player has already purchased the Sprinkler.
1.4: Added as a potential roommate if the player is unmarried. Removed exploit allowing multiple purchases of fish and cooked dishes by closing and re-opening the shop menu.