Summer Seeds are a type of Crafted seed. The crafting recipe is labeled "Wild Seeds (Su)", but when crafted, the result is "Summer Seeds." Mature plants yield, at random, a Grape, Spice Berry, or Sweet Pea.
Summer Seeds are one of the season-specific crafted wild seeds, along with Spring Seeds, Fall Seeds, and Winter Seeds that produce crops normally found as forage. While Farming Skill normally increases the chance to grow a quality crop, Foraging Skill increases the chance to grow a quality crop from Summer Seeds. Choosing the Botanist profession will ensure iridium-quality crops grown from Summer Seeds.
Crows do not attack crops grown from Summer Seeds, so the use of Scarecrows is unnecessary.
Summer seeds are a profitable recipe. A craft of Summer seeds yields 10 seeds worth data-sort-value="550">550g total, while a set of iridium ingredients for Summer Seeds only sells for data-sort-value="420">420g (data-sort-value="436">436g with the Tiller Profession).
Wild Seeds from any season may appear similar to dead crops during Stage 2 of growth.
On Ginger Island, mature Summer Seeds may destroy the tilled soil (and fertilizer), leaving untilled soil in their place after harvest.