Modding:Migrate to SMAPI 4.0

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This page is for mod authors. Players: see Modding:Mod compatibility instead.

The following describes the upcoming SMAPI 4.0.0, and may change before release.

This page explains how to update your mod code for compatibility with SMAPI 4.0.0. See also Migrate to Stardew Valley 1.6.


What's changing?

SMAPI compatibility over time. The SMAPI 2.0 release appears as a small bump in October 2017, and SMAPI 3.0 was released alongside Stardew Valley 1.4.

The content interception API (i.e. IAssetLoader and IAssetEditor) was introduced five years ago in SMAPI 2.0.0. Since then it's become one of the most important parts of SMAPI; for example, it's the basis for Content Patcher which is now the backbone for 39.7% of all mods. However, the API has remained essentially unchanged since its introduction and it doesn't account for all the use cases that apply today.

SMAPI 4.0.0 is the release that fixes that. This completely redesigns the content API:

  • The API is now fully discoverable through helper, just like any other API. That makes it much more intuitive for mod authors.
  • Load operations are no longer always exclusive, since that led to frequent mod conflicts. Instead you can now specify the priority for each load operation.
  • The API no longer hides locale handling — Data/Bundles and Data/ are not equivalent (though you can still apply locale-agnostic changes if needed).
  • Added content pack labels, which let you indicate that your mod is loading/editing an asset on behalf of a content pack. This is reflected in logged messages to simplify troubleshooting, and avoid every error being reported to the framework mod author.
  • Added edit priority, which lets you finetune compatibility with other mods or edits.

SMAPI 4.0.0 also adds compatibility with Stardew Valley 1.6 and drops all deprecated APIs.

Is this the modapocalypse?

Nope. Although this is a major change, significant effort were undertaken to minimize the impact:

  • the old content API was supported for a long time with increasingly prominent warnings in the SMAPI console about its deprecation and removal;
  • pull requests were submitted to update affected open-source mods;
  • unofficial updates were created for mods which haven't updated officially by the time SMAPI 4.0.0 was released;
  • the changes were actively communicated and documented to modders.

All of this means that the 4.0.0 release should have minimal impact on mod compatibility, despite the scope of the changes.

How to update your mod

You don't need to comb through your code manually. SMAPI can tell you if you're using a deprecated interface:

  1. Use the latest SMAPI for developers download. This will show deprecation messages in the console:
    Modding - updating deprecated SMAPI code - deprecation warnings.png
  2. When you look at the code, you'll see a deprecation warning with a hint of how to fix it:
    Modding - updating deprecated SMAPI code - deprecation intellisense.png
  3. You can refer to the following sections on how to replace specific interfaces.


Content interception API

The IAssetLoader and IAssetEditor interfaces no longer exist. Both have been replaced by the AssetRequested event, which is used like this:

public class ModEntry : Mod
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public override void Entry(IModHelper helper)
        this.Helper.Events.Content.AssetRequested += this.OnAssetRequested;

    /// <inheritdoc cref="IContentEvents.AssetRequested" />
    /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param>
    /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param>
    private void OnAssetRequested(object? sender, AssetRequestedEventArgs e)
        if (e.Name.IsEquivalentTo("Portraits/Abigail"))
            e.LoadFromModFile<Texture2D>("assets/portrait.png", AssetLoadPriority.Medium);

Migration tips:

  • The old CanLoad/CanEdit and CanEdit/Edit methods have been combined, so you only need to check any conditional logic once.
  • When loading an asset, you must now specify an AssetLoadPriority which decides what happens if two loads apply to the same asset. AssetLoadPriority.Exclusive matches the previous behavior. See the IntelliSense documentation for more info.

See the content event docs for more info on how to use them.

Custom command triggers no longer allowed

You can no longer manually trigger a console command using helper.ConsoleCommands.Trigger. You should use mod-provided APIs to integrate with other mods.

Other API changes

old code migration
Constants.ExecutionPath Use Constants.GamePath instead.
GameFramework.Xna XNA is no longer used on any platform; you can safely remove any XNA-specific logic.
IAssetInfo.AssetName Use IAssetInfo.Name instead, which includes built-in utility methods to work with asset names.
IAssetInfo.AssetNameEquals(name) Use IAssetInfo.Name.IsEquivalentTo(name) instead.