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The Axe is a tool used to chop branches, trees and small stumps, as well as for removing or harvesting certain objects, especially important for obtaining Wood. An axe may also be used as a weapon to inflict a small amount of damage. An axe is required to harvest Giant Crops.

The basic Axe is obtained at the beginning of the game. It can be upgraded at the Blacksmith. The cost and resource requirements for each upgrade are shown in the table below.

When upgraded, the axe can be used to chop down large stumps and eventually large logs that grant Hardwood. The Steel Axe is required to remove the large log that blocks the entrance to the Secret Woods.

On the Riverlands, Forest, Hill-top and Beach Farm Maps, some bushes can be destroyed with a Copper Axe (or better).[1]

Grades of Axe

Image Name Cost Ingredients Improvements
Axe.png Axe Starter Tool N/A 10 hits to chop a fully-grown tree, and 5 hits for a small stump.
Copper Axe.png Copper Axe data-sort-value="2000">Gold.png2,000g Copper Bar.png Copper Bar (5) Can chop Large Stumps. 8 hits to chop a fully-grown tree, and 4 hits for a small stump.
Steel Axe.png Steel Axe data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5,000g Iron Bar.png Iron Bar (5) Can chop Large Logs. 6 hits to chop a fully-grown tree, and 3 hits for a small stump. 3 hits for a stage 4 tree, and 2 hits for a stage 3 tree and below.
Gold Axe.png Gold Axe data-sort-value="10000">Gold.png10,000g Gold Bar.png Gold Bar (5) 4 hits to chop a fully-grown tree, and 2 hits for a small stump. 2 hits for a stage 4 tree, and one hit for a stage 3 tree and below.
Iridium Axe.png Iridium Axe data-sort-value="25000">Gold.png25,000g Iridium Bar.png Iridium Bar (5) 2 hits to chop a fully-grown tree, and 1 hit for a small stump. 1 hit for a stage 4 tree and below.

Energy Cost

See Proficiency



  1. See Bush::isDestroyable in the game code.


  • 1.11: On the Riverlands and Forest Farm Maps, some bushes can be destroyed with an upgraded Axe.