Fish Tank

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For the Fish Tank Bundles, see Bundles#Fish Tank.

Fish Tanks are furniture items. There are different sizes of fish tanks that can house different numbers of items.


Certain items can be added to the fish tank to change its appearance by holding the item and right-clicking on the tank. To get a list of the items inside or to remove them, right-click on the tank with empty hands. The location and appearance of the decorations and any stationary animals placed inside is random and can be changed without removing items by picking up and re-placing the tank.

Allowed Contents

Fish tanks are allowed to have the following contents:

Category Count Items
Decorations Small/Modern: 1
Others: 1 of each type
Anchor.png Anchor Ancient Sword.png Ancient Sword Clay.png Clay Coral.png Coral Hardwood.png Hardwood Joja Cola.png Joja Cola Springobjects789.png Lucky Purple Shorts Nautilus Shell.png Nautilus Shell Pearl.png Pearl Pineapple.png Pineapple Rainbow Shell.png Rainbow Shell Seaweed.png Seaweed Stone.png Stone Treasure Chest.png Treasure Chest
Bottom Creatures Limited amount, depending on type of fish tank Moving: Blobfish.png Blobfish Crab.png Crab Crayfish.png Crayfish Flounder.png Flounder Green Frog Egg.png Frog Lobster.png Lobster Sandfish.png Sandfish Snail.png Snail Stonefish.png Stonefish Stationary: Clam.png Clam Cockle.png Cockle Mussel.png Mussel Periwinkle.png Periwinkle Oyster.png Oyster Sea Cucumber.png Sea Cucumber Sea Urchin.png Sea Urchin Super Cucumber.png Super Cucumber
Swimming Creatures Limited amount, depending on type of fish tank Shrimp.png Shrimp All other fish


There are 7 types of fish tanks. The Small Fish Tank, Modern Fish Tank, Large Fish Tank, and Deluxe Fish Tank are available from the Furniture Catalogue and the Deluxe Fish Tank is available in Willy's shop only after completing the Tropical Fish special order. The Jungle Tank is only available from the Raccoon after its 5th request. The Community Center Fish Tank is only available after the Fish Tank bundles are completed (which turns the broken fish tank into a working fish tank) and cannot be obtained in any other way, nor can it be picked up to change the location or appearance of static decor placed in it. The Aquatic Sanctuary is only available from Qi's Walnut Room and cannot be found in the Furniture Catalogue.

Item Willy Icon.png Price Furniture Catalogue.png Price Mr. Qi Icon.png Price Allowed amount of bottom creatures Allowed amount of swimming creatures Furniture size
Small Fish Tank.png Small Fish Tank data-sort-value="500">Gold.png500g data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g N/A 1 1 2
Modern Fish Tank.png Modern Fish Tank N/A data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g N/A 1 1 2
Large Fish Tank.png Large Fish Tank data-sort-value="2000">Gold.png2,000g data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g N/A 3 3 4
Jungle Tank.png Jungle Tank N/A N/A N/A 4 3 4
Deluxe Fish Tank.png Deluxe Fish Tank data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5,000g data-sort-value="0">Gold.png0g N/A 4 4 5
Community Center Fish Tank icon.png Community Center Fish Tank N/A N/A N/A 5 5 6
Aquatic Sanctuary.png Aquatic Sanctuary N/A N/A data-sort-value="20">Qi Gem.png 20 6 6 7


Most of the swimming creatures either move around without animating (e.g., Pufferfish, Octopus) or move their tails / rear parts of their bodies at various speeds while swimming. However, some of the swimming creatures have unique animations:

For the bottom creatures, Frogs have unique animations for hopping around and inflating their vocal sacs.


It's possible to place a hat on a Sea Urchin in any fish tank by selecting the hat and right-clicking on the tank.
