Rainbow Shell

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Rainbow Shell
Rainbow Shell.png
It's a very beautiful shell.

Source ForagingRainbow Trout Fish PondTurtle
Location The BeachBeach FarmDangerous Mines

Energy Inedible
Sell Price
Rainbow Shell.png
Rainbow Shell.png
Silver Quality Icon.png
Rainbow Shell.png
Gold Quality Icon.png
Rainbow Shell.png
Iridium Quality Icon.png

The Rainbow Shell is found via foraging at The Beach in the Summer. It may also spawn on the Beach Farm during any season or in The Mines after activating the Shrine of Challenge or during the Danger In The Deep quest. It may also be sent in the mail as a gift from Demetrius or received as a gift from Jas, Vincent or Leo at the Feast of the Winter Star. A Rainbow Trout Fish Pond has a 2% chance to produce 1 Rainbow Shell daily when the population of the pond reaches 9. It can also be gifted by a pet turtle with max friendship. It may also randomly appear at the Traveling Cart for data-sort-value="300"Gold.png900–1,500g.


Villager Reactions

Like Abigail Icon.png AbigailAlex Icon.png AlexCaroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusDwarf Icon.png DwarfEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentKrobus Icon.png KrobusLeah Icon.png LeahLeo Icon.png LeoLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruPam Icon.png PamPenny Icon.png PennyPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandySebastian Icon.png SebastianShane Icon.png ShaneVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png WillyWizard Icon.png Wizard
Neutral Elliott Icon.png Elliott
Hate Harvey Icon.png Harvey


Rainbow Shell is not used in any Bundles.


Rainbow Shell is not used in any recipes.


Rainbow Shell is used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create the dyeable Shirt134.png Bikini Top.

Using a Rainbow Shell with the Sewing Machine to dye clothing will open a menu where any color can be chosen using slider buttons.



  • An exploit to get the Rainbow Shell is to wait until Demetrius sends a gift in the mail, then reload the game until the shell is received.
