Mystic Tree

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Mystic Tree
Mystic Tree Portrait.png
Seed Mystic Tree Seed.png Mystic Tree Seed
Tapper Product Mystic Syrup.png Mystic Syrup
Growth Time Variable

A Mystic Tree is a tree that grows from a Mystic Tree Seed. The crafting recipe for the seed becomes available after Foraging Mastery is claimed. The tree yields Mystic Syrup every 7 days when tapped (3 days with a Heavy Tapper). It can be chopped down with an axe, producing 7-11 Hardwood, plus 1 Hardwood from the stump.

By default, Mystic Trees have a 15% chance to grow to the next stage each night during Spring, Summer, or Fall. With Tree Fertilizer, Mystic Trees have a 30% chance to grow to the next stage each night, including during Winter.[1] This means that unfertilized mystic trees usually grow in 26±12 days, while fertilized ones usually grow in 13±5 days.

Unlike other trees, Mystic Trees do not spread seeds on their own. Their seeds also do not drop when shaken or chopped. The tree will interact with Mushroom Logs to make more Purple Mushrooms available for harvest.

Stages of Growth

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Stump
Mystic Tree Stage 1.png
Mystic Tree Stage 2.png
Mystic Tree Stage 3.png
Mystic Tree Stage 4.png
Mystic Tree Stage 5.png
Mystic Tree Stump.png


  1. See Content\Data\WildTrees.xnb in the game code.


  • 1.6: Introduced.