Tight Pants

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Tight Pants
Tight Pants.png
A very tight pair of pants.
Source Desert Festival
Sell Price Cannot be sold

The Tight Pants is a pants item that can be obtained from Emily's outfit services at the Desert Festival. Male players have a ≈6.38% chance to receive an outfit with Tight Pants, while female players have a ≈4.17% chance.[1] It is one of only two pants items that cannot be tailored. However, it can be dyed.

Potential Outfits

Player Gender Hat Shirt Tight Pants RGB Value[2]
Both Dark Ballcap.png Dark Ballcap Shirt014.png Skeleton Shirt 223,213,183
Male N/A Shirt003.png Dark Shirt 81,81,81
Female N/A Shirt142.png Tube Top (dyed RGB 151,255,114) 151,255,114
Male N/A Shirt176.png Basic Pullover (M) ("soft edge" variant) (dyed RGB 159,255,114) 151,255,114


  1. Male players have 47 possible outfits (3/47 ≈ 6.38%), while female players have 48 possible ones (2/48 ≈ 4.17%).
  2. See Content\Data\MakeoverOutfits.xnb. RGB refers to "Red,Green,Blue".


  • 1.6: Introduced.