Elf Blade

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Elf Blade
Elf Blade.png
Only the nimble hands of an elf could craft this.
Type: Dagger
Level: 2
Source: The Mines
Damage: 3-5
Critical Strike Chance: .04
Adventurer's Guild
Purchase Price: data-sort-value="750">Gold.png750g
Sell Price: data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100g

The Elf Blade is a dagger weapon that can be purchased for data-sort-value="750">Gold.png750g from the Adventurer's Guild after reaching floor 20 in The Mines. It is a possible reward for the chest on floor 20 of the Mines if "remixed" mine rewards are selected in the Advanced Options menu when starting a new game.


  • 1.5: Previously unobtainable weapon introduced. Level lowered from 3 to 2 and sell price lowered from data-sort-value="150">Gold.png150g to data-sort-value="100">Gold.png100g.
  • 1.6.9: Added to Adventurer's Guild shop inventory.