Neptune's Glaive

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Neptune's Glaive
Neptune's Glaive.png
An heirloom from beyond the Gem Sea.
Type: Sword
Level: 5
Source: Fishing Treasure Chest.png Fishing Treasure Chest (0.6%)
Damage: 18-35
Critical Strike Chance: .02
Stats: Speed w.png Speed (−1)Defense.png Defense (+2)Weight.png Weight (+4)Attack.png Attack (+1)
Adventurer's Guild
Purchase Price: Not Sold
Sell Price: data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250g

Neptune's Glaive is a sword weapon that can be obtained from Fishing Treasure Chests after reaching Fishing level 2.


  • 1.5: Level lowered from 7 to 5 and sell price lowered from data-sort-value="350">Gold.png350g to data-sort-value="250">Gold.png250g. Bug where weapon defense had no effect fixed.