Pet Bowl

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Pet Bowl
Pet Bowl Wood.png
Provides a dedicated home for one pet.
Build cost data-sort-value="5000">Gold.png5,000g
Build materials Hardwood.png Hardwood (25)
Size 2x2

The Pet Bowl is a farm building purchasable from Robin at the Carpenter's Shop. One free Pet Bowl is provided to the player at the start of their file for their free pet. This free Pet Bowl remains on the farm, even if the player declines to adopt the pet.

Additional Pet Bowls do not have to be constructed before adopting more pets from Marnie's Ranch. However, for every night that a pet does not have its own Pet Bowl, they will lose 10 friendship points the next morning.[1]

Flooring can be used to cover the 4 tiles in the bowl's area, but the bowl itself will be visible over the flooring.

There are 3 varieties of Pet Bowl, which change slightly depending on the season. A Pet Bowl is initially Wood, but that can be changed through Painting.



  1. See Pet::dayUpdate in the game code.


  • 1.0: Introduced.
  • 1.6: You can now move the pet bowl from Robin's menu. You can now build additional pet bowls in Robin's Shop, with three variants. Not having a pet bowl for each pet will lead to friendship loss.