The Blackberry is a Fruit found via Foraging throughout Stardew Valley. It can be found on the ground during Fall and on bushes during Blackberry Season (Fall 8-11). It can also be grown from Wild Seeds (Fa) (also known as Fall Seeds), or found in the Farm Cave if the fruit bat option was selected. It can also randomly be found in Garbage Cans during Fall.
Blackberry Bushes
During blackberry season, the number of berries obtained from each blackberry bush increases as the player's Foraging Skill increases. At Level 4, two berries will be harvested from each bush instead of one. At Level 8, three berries will be harvested from each bush. If Foraging Skill is temporarily increased to 12 or more with a Foraging Buff (by consuming food), then 4 berries will be harvested from each bush. Each bush has a 20% chance to spawn blackberries on the overnight update, plus a small random bonus chance.
Blackberries collected from bushes have several unusual characteristics:
- 1 Foraging XP is granted for each Blackberry collected this way. This XP stacks if multiple Blackberries drop from one bush.
- Unless the Botanist profession is chosen, bush berries are always normal quality, regardless of the player's Foraging skill. (Botanists always obtain iridium quality, as with all foraged items.)
- Bush berries benefit from the +10% Tiller profession price bonus when sold. If bush berries and standard foraged berries are combined into one stack, the entire stack receives the Tiller bonus. The Tiller bonus will stack with Bear's Knowledge, allowing a maximum bonus of ×3.3.
Blackberry is used in the spool of the Sewing Machine to create a
Shirt. It can be used in dyeing, serving as a blue dye at the dye pots, located in Emily's and Haley's house, 2 Willow Lane.
- 1.3.27: Added Bear's Knowledge.
- 1.4: Blackberry Season is now announced on Livin' Off The Land on Fall 8 instead of Fall 4. Blackberry can now be used in Tailoring. Fixed how Tiller bonus applies when foraged and non-foraged fruit are combined in one stack.
- 1.5: Is now an option in the Forager's Bundle.
- 1.6: Now grants 1 Foraging XP for each collected from bushes.
- 1.6.3: Fixed bug where reloading a save would result in more bushes having berries during Blackberry season.