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A special type of plant that grows in shady areas.
XP 1 Foraging XP
Sell Price data-sort-value="5">Gold.png5g

Moss is a resource obtained from moss-covered trees. Each day in Spring, Summer, and Fall, some amount of common trees can randomly grow moss after certain time. Moss grows slower on Sunny Summer days. Additionally, two types of Green Rain Trees can grow Moss. Moss growth is accelerated for these two trees, and when covered in moss and planted near common trees accelerate moss growth on the common trees. [1] The trees do not need to be felled to collect the Moss. Moss can be removed and collected with any tool, weapon, or bomb. One Tree drops 1 to 2 pieces of Moss.

Players can use Vinegar on a tree to prevent that tree from growing Moss.

Using an Axe on a tapped tree covered in Moss will remove the Tapper and the Moss in one hit, while a Pickaxe will remove only the tapper on the first hit. Using any other methods will harvest moss without collecting the tapper.

Moss becomes much more common during the Green Rain event, covering most mossy trees. This weather event also spawns exclusive weeds that have a 10% chance to drop Moss.[2] Additionally, Large Weeds spawned by the event will drop 2-3 Moss when cut.[3]

Each Moss collected gives the player 1 Foraging XP.

Moss Growth

For moss to grow on a tree, it must be a fully grown Oak Tree, Maple Tree, Pine Tree, or Green Rain Tree Type 1 or 2.[4] No other types of trees can grow moss. The tree's growth stage must also be at least 14.

At the start of each day, all eligible trees will have a chance to grow Moss. The chance for a tree to grow moss varies depending on the weather and season. The growth chance is 10% on Sunny days, which decreases to 3.3% if it is Summer. On Rainy days, the growth chance is 20%.[1]

Trees will have a 50% chance to receive a 10% boost to their moss growth chance if one of the following conditions are met:

  • The tree is a (non-temporary) Type 1 or Type 2 Green Rain Tree.
  • The tree's surrounding 5x5 grid contains a (non-temporary) Type 1 or Type 2 Green Rain Tree that has Moss on it.

During a Green Rain, all trees that are able to grow Moss will instantly grow Moss, regardless of their growth stage.

During Winter, Moss cannot grow at all (except inside the Greenhouse), and all pre-existing Moss on trees is removed.

Collecting moss from a tree reduces its growth stage to 12 - the amount of Moss it dropped.


Villager Reactions

Dislike Abigail Icon.png AbigailAlex Icon.png AlexCaroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusDwarf Icon.png DwarfElliott Icon.png ElliottEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyHarvey Icon.png HarveyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentKrobus Icon.png KrobusLeah Icon.png LeahLeo Icon.png LeoLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruPam Icon.png PamPenny Icon.png PennyPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandySebastian Icon.png SebastianShane Icon.png ShaneVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png WillyWizard Icon.png Wizard


Ten Moss may be chosen as one of the options for the Bundle Green.png Forest Bundle in the Crafts Room (Remixed).


Image Name Description Ingredients Recipe Source Sell Price
Speed-Gro (5) Stimulates leaf production. Guaranteed to increase growth rate by at least 10%. Mix into tilled soil. Pine Tar.png Pine Tar (1)Moss.png Moss (5) Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Level 3 Gold.png20g
Mushroom Log.png
Mushroom Log Grows mushrooms every so often. The more wild trees are nearby, the better it works. Hardwood.png Hardwood (10)Moss.png Moss (10) Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging Level 4 Cannot be sold
Statue Of Blessings.png
Statue Of Blessings Touching the statue gives a unique blessing every day. Stone.png Stone (999)Fiber.png Fiber (999)Sap.png Sap (999)Moss.png Moss (333) Farming Skill Icon.png Farming Mastery Cannot be sold
Deluxe Worm Bin.png
Deluxe Worm Bin Produces Deluxe Bait on a regular basis. The worms are self-sufficient. Worm Bin.png Worm Bin (1)Moss.png Moss (30) Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing Level 8 Cannot be sold
Deluxe Bait.png
Deluxe Bait (5) Causes fish to bite even faster and increases size of the "fishing bar". Bait.png Bait (5)Moss.png Moss (2) Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing Level 4 Gold.png1g
Challenge Bait.png
Challenge Bait (5) A "perfect" catch yields triple the fish. However, each time a fish escapes the "fishing bar", the catch is reduced. Bone Fragment.png Bone Fragment (5)Moss.png Moss (2) Fishing Skill Icon.png Fishing Mastery Gold.png1g
Treasure Totem.png
Treasure Totem Use on diggable terrain to summon a ring of treasure spots. Hardwood.png Hardwood (5)Mystic Syrup.png Mystic Syrup (1)Moss.png Moss (10) Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging Mastery data-sort-value="20">Gold.png20g
Blue Grass Starter.png
Blue Grass Starter Place this on your farm to plant a clump of blue grass. Fiber.png Fiber (25)Moss.png Moss (10)Mystic Syrup.png Mystic Syrup (1) Mr. Qi Icon.png Mr. Qi (data-sort-value="40">Qi Gem.png 40) Gold.png50g


Image Name Description Ingredients Energy / Health Buff(s) Buff Duration Recipe Source(s) Sell Price
Moss Soup.png
Moss Soup It's thick and slimy, but edible. Moss.png Moss (20) Energy.png 70
Health.png 31
N/A N/A Foraging Skill Icon.png Foraging Level 3 data-sort-value="80">Gold.png80g


Moss is not used in any tailoring. Moss is a green dye when used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with a dyeable clothing item in the feed. It can be placed in the green dye pot at Emily's and Haley's house for use in dyeing.


Ten Moss may be requested by the Raccoon at the Giant Stump as part of his fifth request, or as part of any request starting with the sixth.


Once unlocked, the Raccoon's wife at the Giant Stump will trade for Moss.

Image Name Description Price Requirements
Broccoli Seeds.png Broccoli Seeds Plant in the fall. Takes 8 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest. Moss.png Moss (5) 1st Request Completed


  1. 1.0 1.1 See Tree::dayUpdate in the game code.
  2. See Object::cutWeed in the game code.
  3. See ResourceClump::destroy in the game code.
  4. See Content\Data\WildTrees.xnb in the game code.


  • 1.6: Introduced.
  • 1.6.3: Harvesting moss grants 1 Foraging XP per moss collected. Now grows slower on Sunny Summer days and recovers slower after collecting. Adult mossy green rain trees now boost the moss growth rate of nearby trees.
  • 1.6.4: Can now use Vinegar on a tree to prevent Moss from growing on it.