Broccoli Seeds

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Broccoli Seeds
Broccoli Seeds.png
Plant in the fall. Takes 8 days to mature, and continues to produce after first harvest.
Crop: Broccoli.png Broccoli
Growth Time: 8 days

Fall.png Fall

Sell Price: data-sort-value="40">Gold.png40g
Purchase Prices
Pierre Icon.png General Store: Not sold
Morris Icon.png JojaMart: Not sold
Traveling Cart Icon.png Traveling Cart: Not sold

Broccoli Seeds are a type of seed. Mature plants yield Broccoli.

They cannot be purchased using Gold.png Gold from any traditional store, and are instead found in various other ways:[1]

All methods, other than trading at the Raccoon Wife's Shop and using the Seed Maker, only yield Broccoli Seeds between Summer 21 and Fall 20.


Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Harvest After-Harvest
Broccoli Stage 1.png
Broccoli Stage 2.png
Broccoli Stage 3.png
Broccoli Stage 4.png
Broccoli Stage 5.png
Broccoli Stage 4.png
2 Day 2 Day 2 Day 2 Day Total: 8 Days Regrowth: 4 Days


Villager Reactions

Dislike Abigail Icon.png AbigailAlex Icon.png AlexCaroline Icon.png CarolineClint Icon.png ClintDemetrius Icon.png DemetriusDwarf Icon.png DwarfElliott Icon.png ElliottEmily Icon.png EmilyEvelyn Icon.png EvelynGeorge Icon.png GeorgeGus Icon.png GusHaley Icon.png HaleyHarvey Icon.png HarveyJas Icon.png JasJodi Icon.png JodiKent Icon.png KentKrobus Icon.png KrobusLeah Icon.png LeahLeo Icon.png LeoLewis Icon.png LewisLinus Icon.png LinusMarnie Icon.png MarnieMaru Icon.png MaruPam Icon.png PamPenny Icon.png PennyPierre Icon.png PierreRobin Icon.png RobinSam Icon.png SamSandy Icon.png SandySebastian Icon.png SebastianShane Icon.png ShaneVincent Icon.png VincentWilly Icon.png WillyWizard Icon.png Wizard


Broccoli Seeds are not used in any tailoring. They can be used in dyeing, serving as an orange dye at the dye pots located in Emily's and Haley's house, 2 Willow Lane. They can also be used as a brown dye when used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with a dyeable clothing item in the feed.


  1. See Utility::getRaccoonSeedForCurrentTimeOfYear in the game code.
  2. See FishingRod::openTreasureMenuEndFunction in the game code.
  3. See BreakableContainer::releaseContents in the game code.
  4. See RockGolem::getExtraDropItems in the game code.


  • 1.6: Introduced.