Spring Seeds are a type of Crafted seed. The crafting recipe is labeled "Wild Seeds (Sp)", but when crafted, the result is "Spring Seeds." Mature plants yield, at random, a Wild Horseradish, Daffodil, Leek, or Dandelion.
Spring Seeds are one of the season-specific crafted wild seeds, along with Summer Seeds, Fall Seeds, and Winter Seeds that produce crops normally found as forage. While Farming Skill normally increases the chance to grow a quality crop, Foraging Skill increases the chance to grow a quality crop from Spring Seeds. Choosing the Botanist profession will ensure iridium-quality crops grown from Spring Seeds.
Crows do not attack crops grown from Spring Seeds, so the use of Scarecrows is unnecessary.
Spring Seeds are a profitable recipe without the Botanist Profession. A craft of Spring seeds yields 10 seeds worth data-sort-value="350">350g total, while a set of regular-quality ingredients to craft it sells for only data-sort-value="180">180g and a set of gold-quality ingredients sells for data-sort-value="270">270g. With the Botanist Profession, selling the individual crops yields data-sort-value="360">360g.
The long run average price from selling the directly resulting forage is 45g at 1/4*(30+40+50+60). However, on average this equates to 2.5 bundles of seeds, worth a total of 875g. This is equivalent to 87.5g per planted seed. Subtracting the cost of the initial seed at 35g each, this is 52.5g profit, or over the growth cycle 7.5g/day.
Wild Seeds from any season may appear similar to dead crops during Stage 2 of growth.
On Ginger Island, mature Spring Seeds may destroy the tilled soil (and fertilizer), leaving untilled soil in their place after harvest.