The Collections tab acts like a record of which items have been discovered or shipped and in what quantities.
Items Shipped
This tab keeps track of the type and amount of specific items shipped via the Shipping Bin on The Farm, or via the Mini-Shipping Bin.

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Magma Cap | Bone Fragment | Radioactive Ore | Radioactive Bar | Smoked Fish (any) | Moss | Mystic Syrup | Raisins | Dried Fruit (any) | Dried Mushrooms (any) |
Carrot | Summer Squash | Broccoli | Powdermelon |
This tab keeps track of the type and number of Fish caught with either a fishing pole or a Crab Pot. Entries are added upon catching the fish. The fish does not need to be shipped to count towards the collection.
Fish obtained in other ways (e.g. by Foraging, purchasing from Krobus or the Traveling Cart, dropped by monsters) do not count towards the Fish Collection.

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Sea Jelly | Goby |
This tab keeps track of the type and amount of Artifacts collected. Entries are added upon finding the artifact. The artifact does not need to be donated to the Museum or shipped via the shipping bin to count towards the collection.
Note that artifacts found by tilling soil in The Mines or found in Artifact Troves may not appear as found on the collections tab. Dragging the artifact outside the inventory window and allowing it to be taken back into inventory may correct this. Holding the artifact in inventory overnight may also correct this.
Artifacts and their descriptions will not appear on the collections tab until they are donated to the Museum.

This tab keeps track of the type and amount of Minerals collected. Entries are added when the mineral is taken into inventory. The mineral does not need to be shipped or donated to the Museum to be registered.
Minerals and their descriptions will not appear on the collections tab until they are donated to the Museum.

This tab keeps track of the type and amount of dishes the player has "cooked" in the Farmhouse kitchen. Dishes do not need to be shipped to count towards the collection. Dishes for which the recipe is known but have not yet been cooked appear greyed-out. Dishes with unknown recipes show "???".

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Lobster Bisque | Maple Bar | Crab Cakes | Shrimp Cocktail | Ginger Ale | Banana Pudding | Mango Sticky Rice | Poi | Tropical Curry | Squid Ink Ravioli |
Moss Soup |
See: Achievements
See: Letters
Secret Notes
See: Secret Notes
Journal Scraps
See: Journal Scraps
- 1.6.9: Artifacts and minerals descriptions do not appear in the collections tab until donated to the Museum.